Friday, December 7, 2007

Atomic Brain

Oh, Atomic Brain, what have you done? This was a pretty painful one, truth be told. A crazy old woman wants a crazy middle-aged doctor to transplant her brain into a sexy young body. So they hire a couple foreign housekeepers, lock them up, and then proceed to conspire to bore them to death, or so I presume based on the movie itself. The bulk of this film is comprised of shots of a couple women standing around saying, "Hmm, I don't know if I like this." From time to time, the doctor walks across his basement laboratory, and every now and then one of his previous less-than-successful transplant experiments growls like a dog (and also has dog fangs, which I don't fully understand) and pulls on a chain, so you can pretty much figure at some point that chain is going to come loose and the zombie guy will go on a very so-so rampage.

I was just about ready to yell at this movie to move things along. Normally, I'm pretty patient with these things, but after sitting through She Gods of Shark Reef, I guess it was all just starting to become a little too much. Amazing how all of a sudden the godawful slow moving and pointless Incredible Petrified World just keeps getting better and better.

As lame as Atomic Brain may be (it's not even really an atomic brain), if you gave me the choice to watch this, Daredevil, or Shawshank Redemption, I'd still watch Atomic Brain again. You know why? Because it teaches us a lesson we can use in real-life situations: if you are depending on a guy to transplant your brain into a sexy body, then don't treat him like shit before the experiment, because then he'll probably just put your brain in a cat's body.


posted by Armando at


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